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Showing posts from April, 2023

My 5 Lines of Emergency Funds

I generally don’t have the habit of keeping cash in my bank account, because I will always be tempted to use them, either spending on contemporary cute frivolous stuff or yet another live performance or shopping around the investment space and locking the money up in a new vehicle. The best way to resist the temptation is just to make it irrelevant, so I try to hide my money in places that are less accessible (in investments) or somewhere I will forget (in my favourite books or old wallets or some decorative storage space – alike to Grandma’s biscuit tins under the bed) So what if I found myself in an emergency situation in need of cash? While it wouldn’t be regarded as a safety margin, my first response would instinctively be to cut down on expenses. My lifestyle is very flexible, so while I do splurge on theatre tickets, meals in award-winning restaurants, quality education in denominations of thousands and sports activities in hundreds, I could still enjoy my life with free